Rimers of Eldritch


Vista del Lago High School - Fall 2008


Robert Johnson, a boy eighteen - Nick Gailbreath
Eva Jackson, a crippled girl fourteen - Michelle Murphy
Evelyn Jackson, her mother - Delaney Eldridge-Dunn
Nelly Windrod, a strong woman middle aged - Adrienne Sher
Mary Windrod, her aged mother - Maggie Adair Upton
Patsy Johnson, a pretty high school student - Zhani Lopes
Mavis Johnson, her mother - Cheantell Nadine Munn
Peck Johnson, her father - James Holden
Josh Johnson, her brother - James Van Houten
Lena Truit, her girlfriend the same age - Elyse Hockensmith
Martha Truit, her mother - Lori Ann DeLappe-Grondin
Wilma Atkins, a friend of Lena's mother - Robin Albee-Kesich
Skelly Mannor, the hown hermit-shoutout - Rodrigo Breton
A Preacher / A JudgeLew RookerCora Groves, the owner of the Hilltop Cafe - Laura Kaya
Walter, her young lover - Matthew Canty
A Trucker, who stops by the cafe - James Roberts

Production Team

Director - David Harris
Scenery and Lighting Designer - Jonathan Williams
Costume Design - Rebecca Redmond
Technical Director - Jonathan Williams
Stage Manager - Alyse Vogel
Assistant Stage Manager - Jeremy Kaderka
Sound Technician - Alyse Vogel
Lighting Technician - Marc Malaspino
Carpentry - Steve Decker
Poster and Logo Design - Marisa Sayago
Photography - Bruce Clarke
Website Design - Steve Grondin


Six Degrees of Separation

